The first series of courses in this category is designed to take an absolute beginner with no previous knowledge or experience of CW and have them successfully pass the ISED CW exam and get on the air using CW. Guidance will be given for all forms of CW QSOs including SOTA and POTA.

All participants will be encouraged to join SKCC and regularly participate in their activities and events.


  • To be proficient in CW operating at a speed of at least 10 wpm.
  • To pass the ISED CW Exam.
  • To participate in POTA and SOTA CW activities.


  • None, though having a basic level amateur radio license would be an advantage.

Time Required:

  • One hour broken into 3 or 4 short segments each day every day for the duration of the course.
  • This self paced course is designed to be completed in 10 weeks though the objectives have been achieved faster by some individuals.


  • Frequent and personalised in person coaching is included.


  • If you would like to take this course or receive more information please contact Tony VE2KM. The email adress can be found on

Required Equipment:

  • Morse Key.
    • Traditional Straight key (preferred) 
    • a dual or single lever paddle key (acceptable).
  • A code practice oscillator or transceiver with sidetone output.
  • Computer (smart phone not suitable) 
    • with a hard wired high speed internet connection.
    • with video camera / microphone and zoom app installed.

Participants will be coached in operating techniques and participation in traffic nets and contests.
The target speed for regular operations will be 20 wpm.